Benito Villamarin
Gil Manzano
03:09 Varane 0-1
30:56 Benzema 0-2
38:54 Marcelo 0-3
44:46 Isco 0-4
54:49 Cejudo 1-4
61:43 Isco 1-5
77:49 Ronaldo 1-6
Yellow cards [4-1]
42:17 Isco (Real Madrid) for foul on Durmisi (Betis)
48:04 Pezzella (Betis) for foul on Isco (Real Madrid)
63:43 Cejudo (Betis) for foul on Marcelo (Real Madrid)
76:36 Zozulya (Betis) for foul on Lucas Vazquez (Real Madrid)
90:00 Petros (Betis) for foul on Asensio (Real Madrid)
Wrong decisions in favour: Betis 1-3 Real Madrid
Unclear decisions in favour: Betis 1-14 Real Madrid
01:25 No free-kick for possible foul Isco (Real Madrid) on Joaquin (Betis)
Unclear action
01:58 Free-kick for possible foul Durmisi (Betis) on Bale (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
03:09 Goal Varane (Real Madrid) 0-1
15:05 No free-kick for foul Varane (Real Madrid) on Alegria (Betis)
Wrong decision
18:09 No free-kick for possible foul Durmisi (Betis) on Bale (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
23:00 Free-kick for possible foul Brasanac (Betis) on Kovacic (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
30:56 Goal Benzema (Real Madrid) 0-2
33:11 Free-kick for foul Kroos (Real Madrid) on Joaquin (Betis)
Unclear action [could have been booked]
38:51 No free-kick for offside Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Wrong decision
42:17 Yellow card Isco (Real Madrid)
44:46 Goal Isco (Real Madrid) 0-4
[45:00+00:05] End of the first half [no added time]
46:38 Free-kick for possible foul Zozulya on Pepe (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
48:04 Yellow card Pezzellla (Betis)
54:49 Goal Cejudo (Betis) 1-4
56:03 No throw-in for Betis after ball possibly crossed the touch-line
Unclear action
59:06 Goal-kick for Real Madrid after ball possibly not crossed the goal-line
Unclear action
61:43 Goal Isco (Real Madrid) 1-5
63:43 Yellow card Cejudo (Betis)
63:43 Free-kick for foul Cejudo (Betis) on Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Unclear action [yellow card not clear]
64:04 No yellow card for foul Cejudo on Marcelo (Real Madrid)
Wrong decision [should have been booked]
65:16 No free-kick for possible foul Kroos (Real Madrid) on Jonas Martin (Betis)
Unclear action
68:59 No free-kick for possible foul Marcelo (Real Madrid) on Cejudo (Betis), throw-in to Real Madrid
Unclear action
72:07 No penalty for possible foul Cejudo (Betis) on Bale (Real Madrid), no yellow card for simulation
Wrong decision [Bale should have been booked]
75:00 Throw-in for Real Madrid after ball possibly not crossed the touch-line
Unclear action
75:16 Free-kick for possible foul Petros (Betis) on Morata (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
76:36 Yellow card Zozulya (Betis)
77:49 Goal Ronaldo (Real Madrid) 1-6
80:34 No free-kick for foul Carvajal (Real Madrid) on Cejudo (Betis)
Unclear action
90:00+00:11 Yellow card Petros (Betis)
90:00+01:55 End of the game [added time was 02:00]
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