Santiago Bernabeu
Martinez Munuera
05:08 Fran Rico 0-1
16:58 Bale 1-1
Yellow cards (4-5)
28:29 Escalante (Eibar) for foul on Kroos (Real Madrid)
43:42 Carvajal (Real Madrid) for foul on Ruben Pena (Eibar)
43:48 Bale (Real Madrid) for dissent
47:20 Dani Garcia (Eibar) for foul on Kovacic (Real Madrid)
55:11 Morata (Real Madrid) for simulation
56:07 Lejeune (Eibar) for foul on Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
69:57 Ruben Pena (Eibar) for keep on playing after foul
72:05 Kroos (Real Madrid) for foul on Sergi Enrich (Eibar)
83:15 Fran Rico (Eibar) for foul on Kovacic (Real Madrid)
Wrong decisions in favour: Real Madrid 2-0 Eibar
Unclear decisions in favour: Real Madrid 6-3 Eibar
05:08 Goal Fran Rico (Eibar) 0-1
11:27 Corner Real Madrid although not clear if ball crossed the line
Unclear action
16:58 Goal Bale (Real Madrid) 1-1
21:10 No free-kick for possible foul Carvajal (Real Madrid) on Ruben Pena (Eibar)
Unclear action
22:07 No free-kick for possible foul Pedro Leon (Eibar) on Danilo (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
28:29 Yellow card Escalante (Eibar)
32:54 No free-kick for possible foul Luna (Eibar) on Bale (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
37:06 Free-kick for possible foul Ruben Pena (Eibar) on Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
43:42 Yellow card Carvajal (Real Madrid)
43:48 Yellow card Bale (Real Madrid)
45:00+00:01 End of first half [no added time]
47:20 Yellow card Dani Garcia (Ribar)
51:30 No corner for Eibar despite Ronaldo (Real Madrid) last to touch the ball, goal-kick Real Madrid
Wrong decision
53:22 Throw-in to Real Madrid despite Casilla (Real Madrid) possibly last to touch the ball instead of Cappa (Eibar)
Unclear action
53:54 Goal Morata disallowed for offside
Correct decision
55:11 Yellow card Morata (Real Madrid)
55:11 Yellow card Morata (Real Madrid) for simulation, no penalty
Correct decision
56:07 Yellow card Lejeune (Eibar)
56:07 Free-kick for foul Lejeune (Eibar) on Ronaldo (Real Madrid), yellow card
Unclear action
69:57 Yellow card Ruben Pena (Eibar)
72:05 Yellow card Kroos (Real Madrid)
73:28 No free-kick for possible foul Nacho (Real Madrid) on Sergi Enrich (Real Madrid)
Wrong decision
75:31 No free-kick for possible foul Lejeune (Eibar) on Morata (Real Madrid)
Unclear action
77:07 No free-kick for foul Bale (Real madrid) on Dani Garcia (Eibar), advantage given
Unclear action [advantage correct, Bale could have been booked]
83:15 Yellow card Fran Rico (Eibar)
90:00+03:30 End of the game [added time was 03:00]
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